Parking & Registration

All faculty, staff and students who park on campus are required to register their vehicles and display the appropriate decal. Parking decals are to be affixed on the inside of the lower right side of the front windshield.

Parking decals go on sale at the beginning of each school year (fall semester) and are valid through August 31 of the following year. The expiration date is printed on each decal.

Register a Vehicle

Designated Parking Locations

Each parking lot on campus is designated for visitors, students or faculty and staff. It is the responsibility of the motor vehicle operator to find a legal parking space.

The lack of a convenient space is not considered a valid excuse for the violation of any parking regulation.

Rain or inclement weather will not alter any of the provisions of these regulations. Strict adherence to the traffic regulations are to be observed by all members of the university community in order to be fair to all.

View Parking Campus Map

View, Pay or Appeal Parking Citations

Tickets may be viewed, paid or appealed online or you may pay in person at the Public Safety Office. Tickets must be appealed or paid within 10 days following the date of citation issuance. After that time, they must be paid in the Business Office in Lineberger Administration Building.

View, pay or appeal a parking citation

Parking Enforcement

Public safety officers have been authorized to issue tickets to all vehicles that are in violation of the traffic rules and regulations at the university and we reserve the right to tow vehicles at the owner’s expense.

  • Tickets

    Schedule of Fines Category I Violations

    • $50: Parking in a fire lane or blocking a fire hydrant
    • $50: Failure to register vehicle and/or failure to properly display decal
    • $100: Parking in a handicapped space or blocking a handicapped ramp
    • $100 Blocking a dumpster or trash/recycling bin (vehicle may be immediately towed)
    • $100: Parking in spaces marked 24 hours reserved, president or vice president

    Category II Violation

    $30: All other violations

    All Category II violations will be reduced by 50 percent if they are paid at the Public Safety Office within 72 hours of the time they were issued.

    When a ticket is issued, a copy is left on the vehicle. If for some reason this is not possible, a copy is mailed to the individual to whom the parking decal is registered.

    All violations and fines are recorded on the vehicle registration record located in the Public Safety Office.

  • Towing

    After acquiring a third parking ticket without resolution, the violations will become a judicial matter with the dean of students. After acquiring five or more unresolved tickets, violators may be towed at the owners’ expense.

    Violations for parking in reserved spaces for the LR president, vice presidents and dean of students may result in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense along with the appropriate citation.

    Violations of other reserved parking marked off with cones or barricades may result in vehicles being towed at the owner’s expense.

    Other violations that may result in towing are as follows: parked in a travel lane, blocking dumpsters, blocking access to other parking or parked in a manner that may create a hazard.

  • Disabled Vehicles

    Vehicles issued valid LR parking permits and parked on university property must be kept in operating condition at all times. Disabled vehicles will not be allowed to park on school property and will be subject to being towed off of the campus property at the discretion of LR public safety and at the expense of the owner.

    When a vehicle is towed from LR property, the individual involved and the Hickory City Police Department are notified as soon as possible.