• Weather Alert: Remote Workday on Wednesday, March 5

    We are following the forecast for Wednesday, March 5, which is expected to bring dangerously high winds to our region.

    As a result, please note the following changes to campus operations:

    • Employees on the Hickory, Columbia and Asheville campuses should plan on a remote workday on Wednesday, March 5.
    • Only essential personnel are expected to report to work as scheduled. If you are unsure whether your position is considered essential, please contact your direct supervisor for clarification.
    • Student-athletes who are on campus over spring break should be in contact with their coaches/staff regarding any revisions to practice schedules or workouts.

    Because it is spring break, on-campus operations are already reduced. This remote work decision prioritizes the safety and well-being of our employees.

    We will continue to monitor the weather situation closely and provide updates as they become available. Please check your email and the LR website for the latest information.

Consumer Information

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), requires colleges and universities to provide information to enrolled and prospective students to assist them in making informed decisions about higher education.

In accordance with the HEOA, Lenoir-Rhyne University provides the information below to assist enrolled and prospective students, their families, faculty, staff, visitors and the public in accessing information about higher education, and in making informed consumer choices.

The information below applies to all three Lenoir-Rhyne University campuses located in Hickory and Asheville, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina.

Information or Change Requests

  • If you have questions about the information on this page, would like other information about Lenoir-Rhyne or would like a paper copy, please contact Leah Reynolds at leah.reynolds@zlmmc8.com or 828.328.7040.
  • Internal Lenoir-Rhyne inquiries and/or requests to update or change the information on this page may also be directed to Leah Reynolds.

The information contained in this Consumer Information page is reviewed and updated annually and as needed.