Calendar Policy & Guidelines

The Lenoir-Rhyne University calendar is the university's central, comprehensive events calendar. The calendar informs and connects the campus community with the wide array of events offered at LR. If you have questions regarding the calendar contact us at

Please note: The Events Calendar Policy and Standards is subject to change without notice.

Event Submission Requirements

Events may only be submitted for consideration for the calendar by members of the Lenoir-Rhyne University community (students, faculty and staff) through the calendar's event submission form

A current Lenoir-Rhyne University network username and password is required to login and submit events to the calendar.

  • Use the Calendar Submission Form
    Events must be submitted through the calendar's online event submission form. Events cannot be emailed to Marketing & Communication staff for inclusion in the calendar.
  • Be an Approved Lenoir-Rhyne Entity
    Events should be organized and/or sponsored by a Lenoir-Rhyne University entity (school, department, program, office, center, institute or approved student club/group).
  • Have an Approved Room Reservation
    Prior to submitting an event to the calendar, the Lenoir-Rhyne event organizer/sponsor​ must have completed an approved room reservation through official channels, and ensure that the dates and times associated with the event are correct. Lenoir-Rhyne uses the EMS room reservation system. An event published to the calendar does not reserve the location. Please note: Events submitted to the university calendar without an approved room/location reservation may be removed from the calendar at the discretion of the calendar administrators.
  • Provide Complete Event Information
    Event listings must include event title, date and time, location, complete and thorough description, sponsor and contact information and a high-quality image (event posters or images containing text will not be used to comply with federal website accessibility requirements). A website link for additional information is encouraged. Only event information that is finalized and ready for public viewing will be published to the calendar.
  • Events that may not be Approved
    Calendar submissions should be of general interest to the entire university community and/or public. Events with a narrow audience are considered for inclusion at the discretion of calendar administrators. Appropriate events include, but are not limited to, lectures, workshops, seminars, conferences, art events, performances, cultural events, community service events, social events, information sessions and athletic events. Events that aren't appropriate for the calendar include faculty and staff department meetings, student club/group meetings and other similar meetings where event attendance is limited to a small group and not a larger audience.
  • Meet Calendar Submission Deadlines
    Event submissions must be submitted at least 10 business days before the event to be included in the calendar. However, event organizers are encouraged to submit their events to the calendar as far in advance as possible to allow adequate time for event promotion, ideally a minimum of two-to-three weeks in advance of the event, earlier for larger events, event series, etc.

Also review: best practices for event titles, descriptions and images.

Events Not Approved to the Calendar

  • Events submitted not using a or email account.
  • Events that lack required information.
  • Events that lack appropriate sponsorship by a Lenoir-Rhyne entity or lack a clear connection to Lenoir-Rhyne University.
  • Events that lack the approval of an appropriate Lenoir-Rhyne University entity.
  • Events found not to have an approved room reservation.
  • Events submitted less than five business days before the event date.
  • Classes, department meetings, student club meetings, save the dates, call for papers/entries/submissions and application/submission/registration deadlines will not be displayed on the calendar.

Calendar Regulation & Authority

The Marketing & Communication office determines what event listings appear on the university calendar, the Lenoir-Rhyne website, the Featured Events calendar and Featured Events in calendar newsletters.

Featured events are selected based on their appeal to a large audience, therefore please refrain from contacting Marketing & Communication with special requests to feature your event in the Featured Events area of the calendar.

Event submissions are considered on a case-by-case basis, and the approval process can take up to two business days. The Marketing & Communication office may edit event listing information without notice for style, consistency, length and provided image. Lenoir-Rhyne University reserves the right to delete and/or edit event listings if they do not meet appropriate criteria, including language that doesn't meet community standards, university policies and procedures, or violates local, state or federal law.

Event Updates & Cancellations

Update or cancellation requests from event organizers will be considered and managed in a timely manner (within 24 hours) whenever possible. Exceptions may include holidays and weekends or cancellations due to inclement weather.

Canceled events should not be removed from the calendar, instead they should be marked as canceled or postponed so people planning to attend the event can see the posted event cancellation, e.g., [CANCELED] Sample Lecture Title, [POSTPONED] Sample Lecture Title.

Please note that the university calendar may "push" event data to various other sites or apps and the timing of updates to these sites or apps falls outside the direct control of calendar managers.

The calendar administrators are not responsible for alerting possible event attendees of event cancellations. Event organizers/sponsors should take proactive steps to alert possible event attendees through available channels. Also consider posting a sign/note on the building and door where a canceled or postponed event was to be held.