Submit a Community Job to the Career Center

If you are a private individual or family that would like to hire a student to work for child care, tutoring, elder care, pet sitting, house sitting, etc., this job board is for you. If you are a company or organization wanting to hire one of our students or alumni for any reason, please use Handshake.

This jobs board is a free-of-charge job posting service only and makes no recommendations regarding potential employers or student employees.

We are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of off-campus private employment. All hiring, scheduling, and compensation for community job postings are handled directly between the student and the employer.

Employers and students are urged to perform due diligence when offering, applying for, or accepting private off-campus employment by requesting from each other references or any additional information needed to establish qualifications and credentials so as to ensure an overall fit between employer and applicant.

Please fill out the following form to have your part-time job listed on the job board. Your submission may take 24-48 hours to appear online. Ads stay on the job board for 60 days. After your job is filled, send an email to Katie Wohlman at and we'll remove your ad.

Submit a Job

Note – this form is for off campus (non-LR) jobs only.